Saturday, September 8, 2007

A Week of Firsts

Kalli had a week of many firsts. For some reason we didn't think to get her excer-saucer out until now. So we put it together on Monday and she enjoyed playing, bouncing, and chewing with all of her new toys. Kaiden was also very excited for the exer-saucer to come out. He also playing with all the gadgets and is constantly asking if he can get in. One of the fall backs of being a big boy, so he keeps busy and entertains Kalli by teaching her how to play with everything. On Thursday Kalli did two firsts. She started crawling/scooting and she had her first tractor ride. Kalli scooted forward once Saturday night but since then she's mainly been in reverse. But now she's finally mastered it. She's not doing the typical crawl (on hands and knees) yet but she's getting where she needs or wants to go! Its more of an army crawl and I'm quickly finding out how my house isn't as baby friendly as I had thought. Her favorite thing to get into so far is our shoes-which are usually dirty. She loves chewing on Kaiden's shoes so I'm not sure if we'll be able to keep them out by the door anymore. Kalli also loves my picture frames, she takes them off the bottom shelf of the entertainment center and tries to eat them. But in reality she tries to eat anything she can get her hands on... so typical.
Later on Thursday I took Kalli outback, while my dad was mowing the field with the tractor, and she took a little ride. She's much older than Kaiden when he had his first ride. Kaiden was only 3 months old so she's a few months behind but still enjoyed it. I think it took so long for her to ride b/c usually when Papa is mowing Kaiden is the one to always jump on. But he had fallen asleep previously in the car and was still sleeping in his room. I wasn't sure how Kalli would react to the loud noise but she was just-a-smiling and kicking -and so was Papa! He always loves riding the kids on the tractor or the 3 wheeler, I'm never quite sure who enjoys it more. After just sitting there a few minutes Papa started to move and she was a little unsure at first but still enjoyed it and didn't cry once. She's getting to be such a big girl. I can't believe she's already crawling around now! And she's picked up a new sound, bah bah bah. Its so cute sounding. Kaiden has started to enjoy talking jibberish with Kalli, I'll have to get a video of that later.
Here's Kalli's army crawl. Sorry the camera is so unsteady.
Kalli riding on the tractor with Papa. Again the camera is unsteady b/c I was walking trying to video tape, hopefully you don't get sick watching it...its not really that bad, just a little shaky.


Stacy Hutchinson said...

Watch out world! Kalli's on the move.

Julia said...

that's a great exersaucer! We have the same one!

amy said...

Her little scoot is so cute! She is a girl after my own heart crawling to shoes :)

annie said...

isn't it funny how the older kids love it when you take out the new baby toys more than the baby does. sydnie was so excited when we brought the excer saucer up too. so cute on the trackter by the way!

7 Baldwin's said...

Holy cow- she's growing up so fast!!

Kates said...

Robin, its Katie Hunt. She is such a doll. She looks alot like you. It is so fun to see your kids.