Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sometimes I have commitment issues to my blog b/c I get so far behind I'd rather just ignore the problem than face it head on. I just got back from practically a month long vacation (if you can call having 2 kids with you the whole time a vacation)! I have a million plus pictures and I'm so far behind on my blog it's starting to stress me out! But I am totally committed to catching up on my blog as well as everyone elses' just might take me awhile. So don't give up hope, I'll be trying to add pictures from our trips to Utah, Colorado and Alabama daily (Ha! okay weekly is more like it). And then eventually I'll have the time to read about what's been going on with everyone else and start leaving some comments again. Hope all is well with each of you in the blogging world! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Party Continues...

After Elizabeth crashed all the adults and older kids headed outside for some good ole water balloon launching! We had a blast and everyone that just so happened to be walking down the street joined in on the fun.

Kaiden's first try

The just released Bishop and his wife had to join in on the fun

Joe and Kenny putting some muscle into it
That face is priceless!

If it involves water it's a sure bet that Kaiden will like it!

Totally staged

A guy from church walking by

I also had some fun!

Amanda in her Sunday best letting loose! Kaiden giving it all he's got!The cute little girl across the streetJoe working hard

Two little old ladies stopped and launched a few. Look how excited she was as well as Jeremy! Towards the end of the evening all of the kids were about a block down the street trying to catch the balloons while the adults launched them. Well as luck would have it Kaiden got nailed with one right above his knee. It was pretty red for most of the next day but he was fine and still cried when we said it was time to go in.

Elizabeth's Birthday

On our first Sunday in Utah, Elizabeth turned 1! Amanda and Jeremy were kind enough to put up with us for 2 very looooonnnng weeks. We were excited to be there for Elizabeth's first birthday and celebrate with the Coons. Elizabeth is the cutest little girl with a head full of beautiful hair-me and Kalli (more so me) were jealous our whole trip! The first day we arrived Elizabeth was really sick and had to go to the hospital. Luckily she started feeling better and we were all able to enjoy her birthday party and yummy cup cakes!
Princess for a day before church Creepy Jeremy showing off his very 'cool' stache The girls ready for their walk home from church The Coon Family next to E's tree

The pretty girls in their flower dresses
Kaiden and Kalli were such big helpers opening presents!
Elizabeth loved her barn...

And her cake! It's hard being so darn cute!

A few more

I found two more pictures that were taken at Jo and Khem's house. This is a really cute one of all the cousins that I know Grandma and Grandpa will enjoy. Kaiden had such a fun time playing that day with his cousins or as he would say, "MY cousins". And Kalli was immediately drawn to Jake. She followed him around always trying to kiss him but it usually tuned into biting. Poor Jake, he was a good sport though! And this is a picture of Uncle Mark rough housing it with Kaiden.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our long day continues...

After the funeral, luncheon and baby blessing we changed clothes and headed down to Mapleton to visit with Joe's mom's side of the family. Aunt Jo and Uncle Khem along with their boys Kaleb, Khemmer and Kalar were nice enough to let us crash their house and feed everyone. We were so excited to have Grandma Liz fly in from California and we enjoyed the rest of the evening just visiting and having fun.

Joe's cousin, KhemmerJake and NateI guess Nate's really enjoying his caffeine high!Little Miss Blue Eyes

Cameron on Kaiden shooting some hoops

Jake enjoying the swing and Kaleb enjoying his beverage of choice

Let me out!Aunt Jo with Cameron and Kaiden

All the cousins-Aunt Jo gave Kalli her hat and she loved it!The Deschamps Family- Mark, Sharon, Nate, Cameron, Jake, Kaiden, Robin, Kalli and JoeDaddy's GirlKalli and Great Grandma LizKaleb and his cute wife MarissaGrandma and Kalar with all of his crazy hairLike Father like Son :)Ginger and Cameron