Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Party Continues...
Kaiden's first try
The just released Bishop and his wife had to join in on the fun
If it involves water it's a sure bet that Kaiden will like it!
Totally staged
I also had some fun!
Amanda in her Sunday best letting loose! Kaiden giving it all he's got!
The cute little girl across the street
Joe working hard
Two little old ladies stopped and launched a few. Look how excited she was as well as Jeremy! Towards the end of the evening all of the kids were about a block down the street trying to catch the balloons while the adults launched them. Well as luck would have it Kaiden got nailed with one right above his knee. It was pretty red for most of the next day but he was fine and still cried when we said it was time to go in.
Elizabeth's Birthday
The pretty girls in their flower dresses
And her cake! It's hard being so darn cute!
A few more
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Our long day continues...
Joe's cousin, KhemmerJake and Nate
I guess Nate's really enjoying his caffeine high!
Little Miss Blue Eyes
Jake enjoying the swing and Kaleb enjoying his beverage of choice
Let me out!Aunt Jo with Cameron and Kaiden
All the cousins-Aunt Jo gave Kalli her hat and she loved it!The Deschamps Family- Mark, Sharon, Nate, Cameron, Jake, Kaiden, Robin, Kalli and Joe
Daddy's Girl
Kalli and Great Grandma Liz
Kaleb and his cute wife Marissa
Grandma and Kalar with all of his crazy hair
Like Father like Son :)
Ginger and Cameron