Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Mother's Day

My Mother's Day wasn't too much out of the ordinary. Joe was nice enough to get up and feed the kids so I could sleep in an extra 10 minutes (wahoo!). It wasn't that Joe's wasn't being nice but I had to hop in the shower. I wanted to actually look presentable for MY day! Church was nice but towards the end of the sacrament meeting Kaiden started to feel sick again and was really whiny. He woke up just fine with no fever but I guess his Tylenol from the middle of the night was really starting to ware off. Joe and I didn't know what to do b/c we both had classes to teach during the 3rd hour. But Kiaden was not getting any better and just crying and begging for us to bring him home. We decided that Joe would wait out in the foyer with Kaiden until the meeting was over and i talked to the Primary Pres and had her take over my Sharing Time. We thought the kids, especially Kaiden, would be better off with mom- my kids are total mommy babies. So Joe dropped us off and went back to church while Kaiden went straight to bed. I loved Kalli's new dress so we had a small photo session and played. Kaiden woke up about an hour later and then Joe came home. We all had some lunch and then shortly after it was nap time for all of us. Sunday naps are the best! After nap time we went to my parent's for a BBQ and it was delicious! My dad did a great job with burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and sausage. We had a great afternoon and spent the whole day outside enjoying the beautiful weather. Kalli even had her first motorcycle ride. She was a little freaked out when Aaron started it up b/c of how loud it was but she still had fun. Kaiden also took a ride with Aaron and wasn't scared! One of the last times Aaron toke Kaiden for a ride he went a little too fast so Kaiden hasn't wanted to ride for quite some time now. Shannon even rode the bike for a little while. I was waiting for her to crash and get it on camera but she actually did pretty well...too bad! :)

The highlight of the day was by far getting to talk to my sister Autumn on her mission. It's still so weird to me that I don't get to talk to her everyday like we use to. She is doing great and loving her mission. She just got transferred and is now in Palmyra. She loves it and her companion is going to be in the pageant so she's been able to help a lot with that. She works in some of the coolest church historical sites. I can't wait until we can all go there as a family. Kaiden was so excited to talk to her and Kalli even said "heay" and some other mumbo jumbo before saying "buhbye". It was so cute. It was a great day with some delicious food and even better desert! Dad froze some homemade ice cream and I made some chocolate covered strawberries...mmm yummy! Joe's parent's were out of town but we were able to talk with them on Monday. In all it was a great weekend.


amy said...

I am glad you had a great Mother's Day! Kalli looks very cute and springy in her new dress. So sorry to hear about Joe's aunt and uncle.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day!!
Can I just say how much you and Kalli look alike in the bottom photo's!! Very pretty girls indeed :-) Ooh and has your hair grown heaps? That was the first thing I noticed in those picci's - how nice your hair looked!!

annie said...

kalli is such a little chunk a roo i love it!! i didn't think about you getting to talk to your sister! coby got to talk to his bro too. my oldest brother was in the pagent as well and we got to go and see him perform then we did the whole church tour as a family.