So we're 1/2 way into the month of January but I'm on a role trying to catch up on all my holiday blogging. On New Year's my mom watched the kids while Joe and I went to a party with some friends from church. Kalli went to bed super early but Kaiden was quite the night owl. Him and my mom went to one of the neighbors and watched them light some firecrackers and they gave him some snappers and sparklers. Joe and I left the party a little early to ring in the new year w/ Kaiden and my parents. We didn't get any fireworks but enjoyed watching everyone elses. Kaiden loved seeing all the bright lights in the sky from all directions. He was so funny. Joe was holding him and they kept turning around to try and see all of fireworks at once. it was a good night and what better way to ring in the new year w/ the ones I loved. I wish Kalli was awake to watch w/ us but I wasn't about to disturb her b/c then it would of taken forever for her to fall back asleep. It was the first night she slept away from home and spent the night at with my parents. it was weird going home that night and having Kalli's door wide open but she did fine. She woke up a little earlier than I would of liked and go figure by the time she was ready for a nap Kaiden was just waking up so no nap for me!
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