Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Stinging Catipallars

Bath Time & Kissing
He just wants to watch Nemo and she's ready for an open mouth kiss!Look at his poor face...pure terror!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Nice Hair!
Muddy Feet
Crawfish Season 2008
Look at Lisa sucking the head like a pro!
Joe was not too pleased with me taking his picture!
Kaiden and Ryan playing
Cute Kailey posing for the camera
Kaiden and Brooklyn had a good time together. They he loved being her chauffeur!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Kalli Girl
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Me and Shannon waiting for graduation to start I don't think Cary is anywhere in this picture but these are the graduates marching to their barracks after the graduation ceremony. Me or Shannon couldn't find was like finding Where's Waldo
Cary walking with his bag to line up with his platoon (he later said he was not trying to look for Shannon b/c he wanted to look tough and not smile when he saw her)
Cary's smile when he sees Nana for the first time...cute
I love this picture of the two of them-they're both so happy
The 3 of us checking Cary out for the day
Saying goodbye at the bus stop (Cary trying to a tough guy again)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
All caught up!
Funny Story
Easter Sunday

It's not as easy to see in this picture but the basket is on the right along side the fence. Kalli is just enjoying being outside
Look how excited that face is!