Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Muddy Feet

A few Saturdays ago we were outside with the kids playing. We were only going to be out for a minute so I let them keep their shoes off and they loved it. (We can't do this too ofter b/c of all the stinging caterpillars we get) The grass was still a big damp from some ran the day before and we had some muddy areas as well. Regardless if we told him to or not Kaiden was going to get in that mud. So why not just let him and save the 'timeouts' for another time. He loved having it squish between his toes but then shortly after he was ready for us to wash his feet off so he could walk around in the grass. What a weirdo! Well Kal can't have Kid do anything by himself so she had to have her pants rolled up as well but decided she'd rather walk to Gege's house than in the mud. I just thought it made some cute pictures and since this blog is all about the kiddies here they are!


Carolann said...

Stinging caterpillars? Sounds like a horror movie! Remind me not to move to the south!

Todd & Monica Knighton said...

i did not even know about stinging catapillers. Good thing to know though.