Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Funny Story

Monday night after Easter we were having our Family Home Evening. I was using the Friend and telling a short version of Jesus, life to Kaiden while showing him the pictures. One of the pictures was of the Last Supper and I explained to Kaiden that that's how we got the sacrament. I asked him if he remembered what the sacrament was and he said, "Yea, that's when we wait and after we get to have our juice and fruit snacks!" He was so proud of himself and me and Joe just laughed and laughed and then explained to him why we take it and why its important. I'm not sure how much he got or remembered but when I asked him about it again another day he did say to remember Jesus so we're getting somewhere! Another cute story the other morning I was having my morning prayer and Kaiden came in and wanted to sit on my bed and watch me. then once I was done he wanted to say his prayer without using words. So now that's his big thing is to pray without using words, even when its for family prayer. We're trying to explain if he doesn't use words he still needs to be thinking of what to say but I'm not sure how much he understands. The things kids say just crack me up!


Kelli said...

Kids' understanding of the gospel is funny, the people in Primary always have a funny story of something Hayden said in Sunbeams, like how Jonah got swallowed by the whale because he wasn't nice, didn't listen to his mom, and so he didn't get his bed snack. But, like you said, at least they are remembering something right?

Lindy said...

Okay, that seriously cracked me up. Mainly, because I know that is probably totally what David thinks about the sacrament, too! The whole silent prayer thing was so funny, too. I don't even know how you could possibly teach a child that concept. I guess we all figure it out at some point. Thanks for giving me a good laugh for the day:)