Friday, January 16, 2009


As many of you know Kalli has a mullet. At first I was just excited that she was finally growing hair but since it seems to only be growing in the back...well let's just say I'm not as excited! One good thing is I can hide it pretty well with piggie tails (hence why she always has them if we go ANYwhere!). I was talking with a friend and she suggested I have her hair trimmed again in hopes that it would help it to start growing faster. So off we went. I didn't plan on getting any pictures b/c the last time (around her 1st year b-day) she screamed the whole time and I had to hold her down. This time we went to a more kid friendly place and she was fine until we buckled wrapped the apron around her. After that she was starting to freak out a little and trying to get out. That's when I noticed the suckers off to the side and the lady gave her one. After that we didn't hear a peep out of her. Unfortunately the hair cut isn't' the best...go figure! I just wanted the lady to snip just the tips off on her bangs and sides and then cut a little off the back. Well the front she did fine and thank goodness I told her ahead of time I didn't want the straight across bangs. Not that there's anything wrong with that I just didn't think it would look right on Kalli. With that being said you'd think she would cut straight across on the sides but oh did she! It's not awful but I'm definitely not happy about it either. Again thank goodness it still has some length for piggie tails! I'm just hoping this works and it start to grow soon. I know we live in Livingston Parish, but come on! does she have to have a mullet for life?!?!


Stacy Hutchinson said...

I can relate. I usually cut Ayden & Ian's hair myself, but this time around I took them both to a kid friendly salon and I don't like either of their haircuts. I spent $40 on something I should have done myself. Uggh.

Cherie' said...

That is the same place and the same lady that I had taken Jackson to a while back to get his hair cut and I didn't like it. I thought it was a good concept but she just wasn't really great with my kid and took a little to much off. He had that military look going on.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Oh dear, nothing worse than a haircut you don't like!!
On a positive note least Kalli sat there for it :-)
Funny you blogged this because i just took Kaiden for his third hair cut the other day and he actually sat there with out too much protesting as well.
They must be growing up!

Corinne said...

I CRIED and CRIED when Preston got his mullet cut off :)