Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What a Mess!

My little Kalli has always been a pretty good eater. But just recently she's gone from being a Great eater to still a good eater BUT a very messy one. This girl will eat and then just play in her food making the biggest mess! She'll tip her water cup over trying to shake as many drops of water out before she's caught and I take her cup away. Or if she's eating her veggies she'll just dip both of her hands in the ranch and just smear it EVERYWHERE! The other night she was eating chicken nuggets and had tore the last two nuggets into little pieces and were smearing them all in the ketchup and all over her plate, pouring water in her plate and also piling her nugget pieces all on her cup. I told her I was taking her plate away b/c she was playing and not eating and she yelled saying "I still eatin'!" So I let her have her plate for another minute and of course she didn't eat anything she just went right back to playing. So I took it away again and dumped the remainder of it in the trash. Well Kalli lost it and was screaming "I NOT done eatin'!!" I thought she'd calm down once I offered her some grapes but not a chance so just cleaned her up put her down. She went on with her tantrum for some time screaming in her room and while I was talking to Joe's parents. I was still on the phone and she snuck into the kitchen and started digging in the trash for her food! Joe found her, fussed at her and the screaming started again "I still eatin!!". Now it seems we can't have a meal without her making such a mess and if you try to take her plate away she flips outs. Today I just had to take a picture of her greasy ranch hands and face and soggy sandwich. Tonight no different except when I went to give her back her plate I told her she better take a bite right then and she did but then went right back to playing. Joe was about to take her plate again so I grabbed the camera hoping to get her fit on tape but she was actually done b/c she stacked everything up and said "yup all done". This little girl just has me laughing all the time. Hopefully I can get a video of her "I not done eatin" fit soon.


Covington's said...

Tyler did the same thing and what we found worked was to only put chicken on the plate, no ketchup or dressing. When he would fuss for the condiments we would tell him no b/c he wouldn't eat like a big boy. It took quite a few hard meals and fussings but he eventually got the point and he eventually started behaving like a big boy. Also, when we took his plate away for not behaving he got nothing else. At first we would just give him something else but then it turned into him doing it on purpose so he could get something else. They are smart little things. Kalli's just testing your boundaries so just keep strong and let her have her tantrums, she'll figure it out. She'll get hungry enough and decide that she better behave.

Lacey said...

I hate that stage! Elodie did it too!! She sure is a cutie though and knows how to turn on the charm for the camera!!

love the bracelet below. Chris would have done the same thing knowing the picture would end up on the blog! Boys are no fun when it comes to picture taking!

The Lindsey's said...

So fun =). Especially to clean up! Jordan's the same way. Drives me crazy. Except she decides that she wants to do her hair with the ranch at the same time and fingerpaint her high chair tray too. Oh the joys. They do make for great pictures don't they? You'll have to post video if you're able to catch her!

Huffaker Family said...

I love the mess. We always have issues with eating. Maddie always throws her bowl of cereal on the floor when she's done. So our floor always has a sticky layer of milk on it. Gross! your kids are so cute and they are getting so big. I don't know how Maddie's hair is long. Kate's hair never grew and that's why I cut her hair in a bob.

Brandon and Jennie said...

She's still a cutie, greasy or not. I can't wait for the video.

Kelli said...

I want a tantrum video!!!

Wait til they get to the stage where they mix everything together and eat it...like Roman's yogurt-noodles-carrots lunch the other day. It's a great diet trick since you lose your appetite!

And I'm surprised Joe has a sensative side and bought jewelry, all I ever hear from him is who to kill and how. Stupid video games! Cute bracelet though, we need to invest in some for Aubrey. It is so different raising a girl, never had to think about jewelry before.

Corinne said...

that is soo funny. camree is the same way she will even put her bowl or plate up to her face and try to lick it and that in turn gets her meal all over her face and hair! i could kill her! love the picture of kali and her bracelet. soo sweet. love the fact that joe wouldn't pose for a picture rob won't either some times and always tells me i take way too many pictures. i just keep trying to tell him to get used to it!

annie said...

that is so funny that she gets so upset. dont mess with the girls food robin! brynn is my little messy eater. she is my wonderer though. she can't sit in her chair through a whole meal for the life of her. its SO frustrating.