Monday, July 2, 2007

Baby Ducks

My parent's street goes around a pond and there are always ducks that Kaiden loves to feed. We noticed on Friday that one had just had babies. My sister Shannon and her friend decided to get in a neighbor's boat and try to catch them. There were 5 swimming around w/the mama duck and 5 eggs still weren't hatched. When looking at the nest one lil' duckling just came out and they had already caught another one. So in the boat they went to catch the other 5. It took them a while to find where the mama duck had went b/c they scared her from catching the first duck. After finding her she got out of the water but only 2 ducks were able to get out and the other three swam away. Once on ground she ran across the street w/ the 2 baby ducks following and under some bushes. We were able to scare her out and then catch the two babies. Now I know what your thinking, how mean we are for taking the baby ducks from their mom but we have to. The baby ducks don't last long in our pond. They always get eaten by the turtles or nutrarats. Sad huh? So after rescuing those 2 Nana (Shannon) went after the other 3 that now had found their mom. While trying to catch them one was separated from the group and I was able to catch the other 2 while they were on land. The poor single baby duck was in some thick bushes on the bank of the pond and we couldn't get to it. Later on that day it went in a neighbor's yard for food, with other ducks, and he was able to catch it. So now we have 7 total and they are so cute. There were still 4 eggs left so don't worry the mama duck isn't completely alone. I can't imagine how distraught she must have been being chased in the pond and on land then having her lil' ducklings taken from her but they wouldn't have survived otherwise. Now Kaiden loves to hold them and let 'em eat out of his hand. We have a little cage with food and water and then we take them out to go swimming in the little pool. Once they get bigger we'll let them go to the pond and usually they remember you so they're more tame and will still come really close when you try and feed them. So the story has a happy ending.
I know it looks like Kaiden is squeezing him to death but he was being very gentle, I promise!

I first put the duck in Kalli's lap and she grabbed a hold of it and I was scared she was going to strangle it. I was luckily able to pry it from her tight grasp.

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